︎︎︎About me

Hi! My name is Austin Niemi—
I am a junior in the industrial design program at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.

︎︎︎About me




Redesign a handheld tool to improve accessibility and ergonomics. 
Briefly revisited in January to develop packaging and logo design. 

Timeline: 3 weeks

Tenacipump is a portable bike pump with increased emphasis on ergonomics. The unique shape of the handle provides more support comfort and less strain when pumping up a tire. The pump can be used with one hand or two— using the grip on the barrel for added leverage. 


I had a friend test a preexisting bike pump to identify potential pain points in use. The repeated pumping motion proved to be difficult for users if the ergonomics weren’t prioritized. 

Pain points: + Not comfortable with one handed use + User is forced to kneel / bend down + Little range of motion means more pumping is required


Put together a variety of quick product hacks to address pain points identified in my user research. After brief testing, I learned that the pressure distribution of the middle form was unbalanced.


With feedback from my rough product hacks, I sketched three different iterations of potential ergonomic handles. These sketches helped to guide further prototyping attempts. 


Refined prototyping of various handle shapes and the pump barrel. The handle on the far right felt the best in hand and was ultimately the form I chose. 


Prior to rendering, I created four minor variations of my design to help inform the details of the final design. 

© 2024 Austin Niemi